Monday, April 6, 2009


Sunday April 5, 2009, a couple of us went fishing at a small pond. Didn't catch anything huge, just some small fish. It was a good time for bonding and relaxation.

Yeari, Lisa, P. Goose

Overall, I caught 2 catfish and 1 panfish and Yeari caught 1 catfish. Lisa caught nothing and Pastor Goose just relaxed. It was fun....

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Before We Left for Tampa.....

So before we left for Tampa, we had one last carwash on the Saturday before our departure (March 28)

Can you see the enthusiasm? Haha but he really was enthusiastic though...

Very persuasive....

Overall, it was a good time for us to have fellowship and raise some funds for Tampa. Tampa was an awesome experience filled with many blessings.