
As a 15 year old, Jak Lee has had a couple opportunities to expand his photographic career as an amateur photographer that some amateur photographers don't get. From shadowing a photographer to photographing receptions to photographing school events, here are some of Jak's most important experiences in his photographic career.

  1. In January of 2009, Jak Lee was able to shadow photographers Dave and Courtney Craver at Sublime Studios during Howard and Onew's wedding on January 10, 2010.
  2. In the Summer of 2009, Jak Lee photographed the sending and welcoming of many overseas mission teams (DR Team and Ecuador Team) sent out by the Harvest Youth Ministry at the Korean Presbyterian Church of Orlando.
  3. In October of 2009, Jak Lee spent many hours photographing Spirit Week at his high school, Cypress Creek High School, capturing moments leading up to CCHS's homecoming. Wacky Day, Celebrity Day, homecoming football game, and the homecoming dance all helped to Jak's experience as a versatile photographer.
  4. While Jak Lee is heavily involved in the church, he has photographed baptisms/confirmations, concerts (CTI Ministries and Kim Edwards), retreats, etc.
  5. Community Festivals; AvalonFest.
  6. School sports (tennis, softball, lacrosse, football, etc.), festivals (ISA Festival & ASA Festival), talent shows (Bear Rock Live Take V) etc.
  7. In January of 2010, Jak's youth pastor, Pastor Martin Goose Chang, married in Korea, but held another reception for friends and family here in Orlando. Jak was asked to be the photographer.
  8. In March of 2010, Jak Lee was asked to photograph the celebration of a couple's 50th Anniversary.\
  9. From July 25-31, 2010, Jak Lee went on a mission trip to Ecuador where he was given the opportunity to minister and spread the gospel to the people of Lumbaqui and Synangue, Ecuador.
  10. In mid-September of 2010, Jak Lee was asked to photograph homecoming pictures for some seniors, class of 2011.
  11. In March of 2011, Jak Lee was asked to photograph Cypress Creek's Bear Rock Live VI talent show.
  12. In April of 2011, Jak Lee was able to photograph an event that Harvest Ministry organized known as the Vitamin Jesus Rally, meant for all youth groups around Orlando to come, join together as one body, and worship Christ as one church. 
  13. Jak Lee photographer Cypress Creek's Baseball and Lacrosse Senior Nights.
  14. Much like September of 2010, Jak Lee was asked to photograph the seniors of 2011 on their prom night.
  15. In late July-early August of 2011, Jak Lee went on a mission trip back to Ecuador.
  16. Amongst other responsibilities over the night, Jak Lee had the opportunity to photograph Harvest's How Sweet the Sound labor day revival.