About a week ago, I had put a post stating that I was going to be moving websites. The process is still going as I work out some kinks and make sure the site is fully functional. So please STAY TUNED for the official switch. In other news...
Ryan Lee (top left), Joyce Kwak (top right),
Pastor Albert Young (bottom left), and Monica Lee (bottom right)
And last but not least, this past Sunday, July 10, Harvest threw a surprise appreciation party for our own Pastor DL. This year is Pastor DL's 10th year here with Harvest and all I can personally say is that I couldn't ask for anyone better. Throughout the past ten years, Pastor DL has been a VITAL part of my life. Pastor DL always stresses how statistics state that if a teenager has five significant adults in their life, the teenager's chances of being arrested, becoming addicted to drugs, falling away from the church, etc. significantly decreases. I can honestly, proudly, and thankfully say that Pastor DL is hands down, without a doubt, one of those five significant adults in my life.
Through my triumphs and my failures, dark times and happy times, and pretty much everything else in between, Pastor DL has been my pastor, teacher, mentor, and friend. Words cannot describe just how thankful I am for the awesome, faithful, and devoted pastor and man Pastor DL has been to me. With that said, here are some pictures from the party.
And to Pastor DL, once again, and this post cannot even begin describe 0.00000000000000000001% of just how much you mean to me and how thankful I am but, thank you. Thank you for loving me, for guiding me, for dealing with me, for mentoring me, for teaching me, and well, thank you for E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G!!!
Much like the 2011 Harvest Senior Banquet, we decided to have a photobooth from Pastor DL to take some pictures with his friends and family!