Thursday, June 30, 2011

Congratulations Class of 2011!

Back in June of 2010, I had put a post in regards to Harvest's 2010 Seniors and a banquet that the Student Leadership Team (SLT) put together. Well, it's that time again and this past Saturday, June 25, this years SLT put together a B-E-A-U-TIFUL senior banquet for the class of 2011.

The night could not have been more perfect. From delicious food to powerful times of sharing, personally, I feel like the seniors, underclassmen, and the older folks were equally blessed! Due to the time constraints, i did not have the chance to say something about all the seniors, but if I can, I would like to say it now. While I have A LOT to say about everyone, I will do my best to keep it short and concise.
  • Yeaseong Han: My man. What can I say? You're one of my best friends and I cannot imagine church, or life for that matter, without you. You are one of the most important parts of my life and I would not be 0.000000000000000001% of the "man" of God that I am today. You motivate me in ways that no one else can and push to me lengths that no one else can. Thank you for being the best possible brother and best friend that you could be. Love you man!
  • Joseph Kim: Despite our little quarrel back when you first moved here, I love you man. You always manage to understand everything that I'm going through. IB would have sucked without you and you helped make it.... bearable. You're one of my best friends and I couldn't have imagined the last six to seven years without you. 
  • Josh Mark Kim: I don't know what to say man. It has been such a blessing growing up with you man. It's crazy to think that about five years ago, you were a fat, chubby kid... haha. I'm so blessed to the man of God that you've grown up to be and I'm glad to see that you stepped up to the plate with Yeaseong and Joseph to commit to coming out every Saturday in order to be there for the younger guys. Believe it or not, you'll be there for me too... haha. 
  • Soo Ha: My flake/princess... haha did I ever apologize for being such a jerk years ago? No? WELL I AM! hahaha. I could not have gone through SLT without you. I'm so glad we were able to become good friends over the past year and I don't know how I'm supposed to survive SLT without you. You're such an amazing, funny person with so many admirable and respectable qualities. I don't EVER want you to doubt yourself, except for when you're being a flake! I love you with all my heart and will always be here for you.
  • Chris Lee: Chris!!!! I don't think I ever had the chance to become good friends with you and I'm sorry for that. However, your faith and optimism that is always manifested where ever you go is something I envy and respect so much. It's such a blessing to see a man of God who approaches everything he does with such urgency and excitement.
  • Janice Yoon: Much like Chris, I do apologize for not becoming good friends with you. Although we barely talked over the past years, it's awesome to see that you come to church faithfully, serve faithfully, and watch the younger sisters so faithfully. You're dreams of becoming a nurse/doctor could not fit you any better!
  • Peter Kim: Sad to say, despite the NUMBER of years that we've known each other, it sucks that we never became close friends. Despite our differences, I'm glad to see that you're always at church, early in the morning, just hanging out and talking with the younger brothers and sisters. While I'm not sure exactly where you are in your spiritual walk, know that I'm always praying for you man. 
  • TO ALL OF THE SENIORS: Thank you guys so much for pushing me and encouraging me in the MULTIPLE ways that you have over the past years. Good luck to you and take care where ever you go and remember that I will always be praying for you guys and no matter what part of life you may find yourself in, you are ALWAYS welcome at Harvest for Harvest will ALWAYS be your family and will ALWAYS love you. The best of luck to you guys and take care!!! I love you all!!!
And now, for the moment you have been waiting for, some of the pictures from the night!!!!

For all your Facebook-ers, the photos will be up and available before this weekend! Enjoy the photos!






Monday, June 27, 2011

2011 Vacation Bible School

Every year, my church, the Korean Presbyterian Church of Orlando hosts a Vacation Bible School (VBS) for the younger kids. This year, the theme was Hometown Nazareth. All I can say is that it's such a blessing to see that 30-40 kids are taking time out of there Summer break, WILLINGLY, to be at church, learning more about what Christ did for us. While I have not much more to say, enjoy the photos!



Monday, June 20, 2011

2011 Harvest Youth Summer Retreat

Back at the beginning of the year, I had put a recap post of 2010. That post contained information about our 2010 Harvest Youth Winter Retreat. Every year, Harvest holds two retreats for the youth, one in the summer and one in the winter. From June 14-17, we had out 2011 Harvest Youth Summer Retreat and all I can say is that it was such an amazing blessings. Praise God for His abundant blessings over our youth during our time there. Enjoy the pictures!





House Church Shepherd Commissioning

For those of you who have been following me for quite some time, you might remember a post about the commissioning of a dear brother of mine, Paul Kim. We had commissioned Paul Kim as a house church shepherd for the Clara Kim House Church. Due to its size, the Clara Kim House Church (CKHC) had split  into two house churches, one led by Paul Kim and the other by Seho Hong. Recently, Seho Hong has been relocated in Atlanta by yet another unanimous decision, Hong Sin has been called to led the house church that was one led by Seho Hong.

Hong is a dear brother of mine who has been through thick and thin and a lot times, I am often amazed at how faithful he is to God's calling. If it weren't for Hong, I would not be 0.00000000000000001% of the man I am today. I could not think of any other person more fit to lead this house church. While I have not much to say, some often say that pictures speak more than words, so without further ado, enjoy!
