Wednesday, July 21, 2010

As The Day Comes....

For those of you who have followed me for at least the past year, you should be able to recall a post that I put up in regards to our church's first ever mission trip to Ecuador. Our church was sending out a mission team to Lumbaqui/Synangue to minister to an unreached tribe in the Amazon region known as the Cofan People. One of the biggest risks was the possibility of our missionaries being kidnapped along the Columbian border. Although it was a risk, God's calling is so much more important. 

After spending 5 days in Ecuador and returning back home, the church decided that Ecuador was a risk worth taking every year. Here we are, one year later, ready to send off yet another team. Within in our team, there are 10 members going on the trip.

1st Row: Rev. David L. Kim, Pastor Martin "Goose" Chang, Julee Chang
2nd Row: Mr. James Ye, Bill Lee, Isaac "Jak"(me) Lee
3rd Row: Joseph Kim, Andrew Im, John "Punchy" Kim

Mrs. Myong Lee. She is not included in the above picture because she was not able to be there on picture day so her picture had to be taken on a separate day.

We will be in Ecuador from July 25-31. Here is the tentative schedule of what we plan on doing.

Sunday, July 25: Leave after service, spend the night at Casa Sueca.

Monday, July 24
     7:00AM - Breakfast
     8:00AM - Leave for Lumbaqui
     Lunch on Road (Merge*)
     Arrive in Lumbaqui - Check into hotel
     Opening Briefing
     Culto Especial
     7:00PM - Dinner (Hotel)

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, July 27-29
     7:00AM - Breakfast (Hotel)
     8:00AM - Leave for Sinangue
     9:00AM-12PM - Work project in Sinangue
     12:00PM - Lunch (Merge*)
     1:00PM - Prep for evangelism program
     2:00PM-5PM - Evangelism program in different communities
     5:00PM - Leave for Lumbaqui
     7:00PM - Dinner (Hotel)

Friday, July 30
     7:00AM - Breakfast (Hotel)
     8:00AM - Leave for Quito
     Stop at Papallacta/ Lunch (Merge)
     Closing Spiel
     Night at Casa Sueca

Saturday, July 31: Leave early in the morning
  • Merge*: The missions agency that we're partnering with on this trip.
On July 25, at 2.30 PM, we will leave Orlando via American Airlines, headed towards Miami. We will have a hour layover in Miami and then off to Quito, Ecuador! If you would and are able, I would really appreciate it if you came out and sent me off (I hope that doesn't sound conceded...) I will be at the airport by 12.45 AT THE LATEST and probably will be saying goodbye to others until 2-ish if not a little later. Please do not feel obligated to come out, only if you would like to. If you cannot make it to my departure but would like to be there when I arrive, my flight should be landing in Orlando (MCO) at 3.20PM on July 31. Please do not hesitate to come out if you want to. 

I am so excited for this trip and I can't wait to get onto the missions field. I believe that this will be an amazing trip  filled with both blessings we pour out to the people in Ecuador, but also blessings we receive. As you can see, from the previous post, there were prayer requests and as I looked over them, I do not see much change in the requests we ask for this time around. 

~~~~Please pray for...~~~~~

1. SAFETY!  (from crime, disease, dangers, and for good health)- lots of small crime in Quito – theft, pickpockets, etc.
- in Lumbaqui, we're staying at a HOSTEL.  We are “targets” because we are American and we look different so please pray for safety here.
- the road from Lumbaqui to Sinangue is similar to the road from Jericho...kinda dangerous.  The roads are secluded and go through the jungle where lots of guerillas from Colombia hide out.  Shouldn’t be a huge deal, but please pray for safety.
- after traveling this road, we have to CROSS A RIVER to get to the Cofan people.  We have to walk thru the river for 5 minutes, then take a canoe the rest of the way in prety deep water.  We will have to wear boots because of SNAKES.
- at the construction site in Sinangue, there are lots of INSECTS!  We got all our recommended shots and pills (yellow fever, typhoid, malaria, tetanus, hepatitus A & B) and will have to wear long sleeve shirts and long pants.

Lumbaqui and Cofan peopleplease pray for the church in Lumbaqui, to be encouraged, and for the salvations of the children and non-believers we envangelize to.

Please pray for the Cofan people group...that the church building will be a place of God's presence, discipleship, growth, to reach the Cofan with the gospel!

our team's ministrypray for unity, compassion, power, boldness, courage, miracles, strength, that our light will shine, to be led by the Holy Spirit, and other things you pray for missionaries about

I hope to come back with many stories, blessings, and photos that I can share with you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me by clicking here.

Growing Up In a Small Family...

Growing up, I've always wondered what it was like to live in a big family. I've always wanted to know what it was like to have a bunch of uncles/aunts, NUMEROUS cousins, so on and so forth. As I grew up, I had only 2 uncles, 2 aunts, and 3 cousins. Looking beyond my immediate relatives, I noticed that my family is actually bigger than I thought.

One of my grandmothers grew up with 11 other siblings, and one of my grandfathers grew up with 7 other siblings; this means very distant uncles and aunts for me. From an Uncle Danny in Hawaii to an Uncle Steve in Arizona, today, I met up with my Uncle Tai-Chi and my Aunt Christine and their three kids Jessica, Isabel, and Matthew. I have met them before but I had a very vague memory of who they were and yet, here we are only a couple years later, catching up while they were in town. For me, it was a fun time and I forgot how cool uncles and aunts can be.

Top photo: Adults - Uncle Tai-Chi, Aunt Christine, mom, Lindsey, Lisa
Kids - Matthew, Jessica, Isabel
Bottom Left photo: Back row - Lindsey, me, Lisa
Front row - Matthew Jessica, Isabel,
Bottom Right photo: Back row - Uncle Tai-Chi and Aunt Christine
Front row - Matthew, Jessica, Isabel

Monday, July 12, 2010

VBS 2010: High Seas Exploration

This past month has been amazing! I haven't had the opportunity to take pictures and update lately but I have had the opportunity to really relax and prepare physically, mentally, spiritually, etc. for my mission trip to Ecuador that will take place from July 25-31 (more updates to come). I did however, get the chance to photograph our Kingdom Keeper's Vacation Bible School this year.

This year's theme was "High Seas Exploration." There were about 35 kids and I can honestly say that they really enjoyed themselves. From mouth watering sloppy joes for dinner to awesome skits to cool arts & crafts, the kids did not stop smiling for even one second; it truly was an awesome time for me, almost like deja vu. Here are a couple pictures and a slideshow at the end.

This is my first slideshow that I've made with my new software so please bare with me due the fact that it is FAR from professional.

A compass that symbolizes the bible and how the bible us God's compass for us to guide us to Him.

The next David Blaine

4-6 Grade students (1st column)
K-3 Grade students (2nd column)
All the kids (3rd column)
All the kids + Teachers (4th column)