Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Growing Up In a Small Family...

Growing up, I've always wondered what it was like to live in a big family. I've always wanted to know what it was like to have a bunch of uncles/aunts, NUMEROUS cousins, so on and so forth. As I grew up, I had only 2 uncles, 2 aunts, and 3 cousins. Looking beyond my immediate relatives, I noticed that my family is actually bigger than I thought.

One of my grandmothers grew up with 11 other siblings, and one of my grandfathers grew up with 7 other siblings; this means very distant uncles and aunts for me. From an Uncle Danny in Hawaii to an Uncle Steve in Arizona, today, I met up with my Uncle Tai-Chi and my Aunt Christine and their three kids Jessica, Isabel, and Matthew. I have met them before but I had a very vague memory of who they were and yet, here we are only a couple years later, catching up while they were in town. For me, it was a fun time and I forgot how cool uncles and aunts can be.

Top photo: Adults - Uncle Tai-Chi, Aunt Christine, mom, Lindsey, Lisa
Kids - Matthew, Jessica, Isabel
Bottom Left photo: Back row - Lindsey, me, Lisa
Front row - Matthew Jessica, Isabel,
Bottom Right photo: Back row - Uncle Tai-Chi and Aunt Christine
Front row - Matthew, Jessica, Isabel

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