Saturday, May 29, 2010

2010 IB Freshman Talent Show

So one of the requirements for the IB freshman is to participate in a talent show at the end of the year. The English teacher, Dr. Weaver, believes that it's good for everybody to show off a talent; I too participated in this talent show last year. Today, May 28, 2010, the freshman had their talent show and in second/third period, I was able to take some pictures. I'm very proud of you freshman, who I'm close friends with (you know who you are), you guys were awesome.

I AM NOT at all happy with my pictures. I forgot how hard it was to take pictures in the auditorium and didn't prepare for it. While there is no mistake, this proves that I'm not a "pro" and that I still have much learning to do! Please try to enjoy the photos.

Melissa Joseph (group; left), Firdaus Rajani (group; center), 
And Sophia Juarez (group; right) singing Cheetah Girls.

Vivian (top left) is the only one in this photo that I know so, awesome job Vivian. 
You were awesome!

Mary Finnegan and Ana Alexander (left) were actually the emcees in this photo.
So were Elisabeth Tran and Sean Chew (right)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

RTS Graduation

Growing up at KPCO, there are many people who have indeed played a significant role in my life. I can proudly and thankfully say that the pastors/seminarians at KPCO, Harvest in particular, have done so much within my life to mold me and shape me into the boy that I am today, and the man that I hope to become.

The Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS) is a seminary school with six different locations, one of which is here, in Orlando, FL. Yesterday, May 21, 2010, I was able to attend the graduation of RTS's class of 2010. Two of their graduates, Pastor Martin "Goose" Chang and Onew Kim, have both been a huge aspect of my life, and the life of Harvest.

Pastor Goose, Harvest's youth pastor, has been such a huge mentor in my life. Ever since middle school, he has been on of the few people that I look to for advice when it comes to my personal and spiritual life. He's taken me fishing, out to eat, bowling, etc. Ever since he's come to Orlando, I've constantly witnessed his love and sacrifice for the youth and how much he longs to serve the youth and better yet, serve Christ.

About 2.5-3 years ago, I was introduced to Onew Kim (Onew Lee at the time). Immediately, we got along. Onew has been such a huge encouragement to my life in the fact that she too has been one to give me advice, pray for me, and even help me. If you remember, back in January of 2009, I was given the opportunity to shadow Sublime Studios at a friend's wedding. On January 10, 2009, Onew Lee married Howard Kim and she, along with Howard, allowed me to shadow THEIR big day in hopes that I would benefit and grow in my photography.

And so, with this post, I hope to express at least a fraction of how much I thank them for all that they've done in my life. They are such amazing examples of what a Christ-centered leader should look like and it is with that motivation that I hope to reflect God's love with their urgency and fervency for Christ.

Although this would be no excuse for a professional photographer, please do disregard the grain in the photos. Without the correct gear and skill as a professional photographer, shooting in low light conditions without a flash is still rather difficult for me.

Both Pastor Goose and Julee have already played a huge role my life. Starting with the many opportunities that they've given me to practice my photography. haha

Pastor Goose (top row) receiving his Masters of Divinity and 
Onew (bottom row) receiving her Masters of Arts.

The night was indeed an amazing way to start my weekend! Thank you Pastor Goose and Onew for all that you do. You are such an immense blessing to everyone at Harvest.

Monday, May 17, 2010

So It's Been A While.....

So it's been a while since I last published a post. With AP testing and a bunch of huge assignments from school, photography was put on hold for a little :'(. So, although I haven't had any cool opportunities to photograph events and all, I thought that I would just show you guys a couple pictures that I took over the past couple weeks.

I only got to shoot 3 or 4 times since then so I only have about 2-3 photographs. HOWEVER! I was published in my school's yearbook. I gave them a bunch of photos and let them choose which ones they wanted to use and to my surprise, they actually used a lot of them. So despite my lack of opportunities to shoot, I was somewhat published. Enjoy the pictures!

Just some fun....

On Mother's Day, a couple of our youth made up these small flower arrangements just as a small, tangible way of expressing how much the moms in Harvest and the moms at our church mean to us and how greatful we are for them.

Just a couple photographs of a typical worship service here at Harvest.

Now that school is calming down and almost over (17 more days!), I'm hoping to get a lot more opportunities to get out and shoot. I'm hoping to get some photographs at a graduation this Friday and maybe a couple photographs at my sister's graduation along with some other opportunities; there might even be the possibility me offering my services for family portraits (stay tuned for more info).